"I do believe I just sat for a couple of hours last night just "dazed" in a good way. I have many "selves" and they all came together last night as ONE. The Divine in me, honors the Divine in You!" -- Sharon
"Thank you all again for letting me fight my demon and win. I think I had that adrenaline rush yesterday. You are doing a wonderful service and thank God for you, Ells and Ray." -- Brenda
"I feel differently since taking the class and it's a VERY GOOD difference. I went to lunch with a close friend and she said "that class has been great for you, you hold yourself differently -- more confident". I just had to pass this great compliment on to you all!" -- Debbie
"Thank you! I am so proud of my certificate! I will never forget what you have done for me. My journey is far from over, but you have given me an important tool to continue on. I feel more confident!! -- Denise
"It felt so good to finally be taught something useful to do with all that adrenaline. Thank you for helping me get in touch with my inner B----, perhaps now she can be of assistance to my inner child!" -- Wendy
"Thank you so much for a great class! I learned so much and feel that I could save myself if ever in the dreadful situation of multiple assailants or an attacker with a weapon. I appreciate all the time that each of you puts into developing this class and helping women. Your dedication to this cause is heroic in its proportions. There is nothing more important than a woman can do for herself and her daughters than to take this cass." -- Jennifer
"I've really enjoyed the class a lot. It's really great, empowering and encouraging! Thank you so much for all the help. -- Windi
"I'm so proud of myself and all of you for giving this class, taking valuable time out of your own lives to help teach others these tools that could save women from rape or possibly my own life someday. Thank you for teaching me more than I could ever list on a piece of paper!" -- Laurie
"Thank you for making a difference in my life. Not only for teaching me the moves, but for preventing something to never happen. Thanks for caring about all women and their well being." -- Lindsay
"I would like to extend a warm, heart-felt thank you! The training you and your associates provided for EmergyCare was a resounding success! The students who completed the class still talk about it with enthusiasm" -- Kathy
"I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am for what you all are doing. The passion with which you approach what you are doing definitely comes through -- it's affect is life changing! Thanks again for giving this mom one more tool to offer my daughters to ensure their safety and heighten their awareness!" -- Christy
"I wanted to thank you over and over again for the class! The concern that you show for women is amazing to me. I have highly recommended your class to my sisters, nieces, and friends! I think every woman should know how to stand up for herself and fight if she so chooses." -- Danielle
"I feel that I can overcome anything thanks to you guys. This has been the far most gratifying and rewarding class I have ever taken! I feel more confident and stand taller." -- Lisa
"Thank you again for your instruction! All of us women came away from the class feeling empowered and informed." -- Emmalee
"Thank you for the excellent presentation. I found it very informative and professional." -- Mary
"I thank God for what you've done for me and many other women. It's really great what you are doing to help women." -- Ann
"Your class was ainterestng and encoyeble I havdmore cight ifnme then I cthugh t" -- AGail