Model Mugging -- Self Defense for Kids and Teens!!
Children are the world's most precious gift, therefore, they too must posses the skills needed for survival in our increasingly violent culture.

Street Smart Self Defense for Kids

The focus of this workshop is to increase overall awareness to protect our children without scaring them. Through valuable role play scenarios, kids are able to learn how to heed the warning signs by keeping a safe distance, using their voice, and body language to develop a confident "command presence" against unwanted advances. This in turn helps kids feel safer and more prepared to take charge of their own personal safety.

Full Contact Adrenal Stress Training (Model Mugging) helps kids to see and feel what a real situation might be like, while addressing fear in a safe, supportive environment.
It also allows the student to apply their skills on a real life (specially trained) padded assailant. This enables us to simulate realism so that the student understands how to handle the overwhelming effects of fear and adrenaline.

Kids and Teens Have an Absolute Right to Protect Themselves!

Fostering this attitude alone gives kids and teens a sense of control over their bodies and a willingness to enforce it.

Having the power to make educated choices is extremely important in the development of a healthy attitude and preserving one's own self worth.